– Keeping track of LCBC’s MRI pipeline –
How do we keep track of the MRI data?
How do we know what are possible issues with an MRI dataset?
Where do we look for this information?
How can we update this information?
MRI has many processing steps
Many steps must be done in a serial fashion.
Knowing which step is next can be difficult
Knowing if any steps have failed and why is difficult
A system that:
MRI data are highly annotated
Issues at scanner
Issues in import
Issues in processing
Stored project-wise in spreadsheets
A system that:
Gathers all annotations to the same place
Classifies them into meaningful categories
Makes it possible to edit annotations
Project-specific logging
distributed in many files
no logic in location
Stored in spreadsheets
Only one can edit
Gets locked and then copied
Each has unique organisation
A system that:
Collects all logs for all projects
Has a standardised way of storing data
Allows multiple users to interact with it
Updates to the logs are 100% manual
Who does it?
Who has the newest information?
How do they do it?
What is the newest information?
A system that:
allows manual and automatic update of information
creates easy visual representations to check what has been done
is the single source of needed information
API endpoints
Streamline code more
Switch from GET to POST where appropriate
Pipeline integration
Get comments and ratings from nettskjema
Integrate with MRI rating application
Have pipelines update the jsons when tasks finish/fail
Populate for all legacy data
All these and more listed on GitHub