Quartaki - Introduction to Quarto

Workshop: A 6 hour introduction to Quarto for report generation in R. Combining code with prose to create reports in a seamless environment. This workshop is taught with RStudio and R, but learners proficient in other compatible languages are welcome to join.

There are increasing demands on scientific staff in preparing reports for governmental and public dissemination, as well as scientific dissemination. Creating reports is a time-consuming task, as it often requires switching between programs for writing, doing analyses and creating tables and figures, as well as other graphical and textual programs. Learning efficient tools in combining programming and report generation are becoming increasingly important to alleviate the manual and burdensome process of switching programs. Quarto is a second generation report framework based on the popular markdown plain text format. Combining writing in markdown with the ability to run code to format, analyse, and visualise data, all in the same place, creates a seamless environment for the researchers to produce reports. While this workshop will focus on using Quarto with R, it also has native abilities to interact with python, observable.js and Julia, without needing R installed. This makes Quarto a great tool to learn, no matter which language you focus on.