Install R

Make sure to have R installed on your computer. It is recommended that you have a newer version of R installed, with minimum version of 4.1.0. Download R from the R-project

Windows computers

The tidyverse packages require rtools to be installed. Make sure to have the required version installed before proceeding.

Install RStudio

The best experience with the workshop is to have an RStudio newer than 1.3. It is not necessary, but highly recommended.

RStudio downloads page

Install course materials

This package contains materials that are necessary for the workshop.

You can install tidyquintro from my r-universe, which will also install the packages that the tutorial will cover, with

# Enable repository from drmowinckels
options(repos = c(
  drmowinckels = '',
  CRAN = ''))
# Download and install tidyquintro in R

Loading the package

Loading the package will also load the necessary libraries directly


Additionally, there are exercises connected to each of the topics which will also be accessible via the learnr-package.

## Available tutorials:
## * tidyquintro
##   - 001-plotting    : "Plotting data"
##   - 002-subsetting  : "Subsetting data"
##   - 003-chaining    : "Chaining data - the pipe"
##   - 004-mutating    : "Altering or adding variables to data sets"
##   - 005-pivoting    : "Pivoting data - long and wide formats"
##   - 006-summarising : "Summarising data"
##   - 007-nesting     : "Working with nested data sets"

If install fails

If the above install fails, you can try installing everything individually and then the package from source. Start by installing the dependent packages for the course:

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "palmerpenguins", "learnr", "remotes"))

When these are successful, you should be able to install the course package.

If you are still struggling to install the package, please create a ticket pasting the command and output you get so I can help you get it sorted.